Page name: X-Men Kitchen 3rd [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-06-10 00:30:34
Last author: The Black Goat
Owner: Veltzeh
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The kitchen on the third floor of the mansion is smaller and far more utilitarian than its counterpart on the first floor; its color scheme and decor is a little more modern in style. The walls and floor are tiled in analgous neutral greys and white for easy clean-up, and the room possesses all of the appropriate amenities, including stainless steel appliances, cabinets, painted a medium grey, and coordinating white-grey-and-black flecked Corian countertops. A few feet from the deep double sink stands a sizable side-by-side refrigerator set back into the wall, fit for supplying the students on the upper floors a space to keep their groceries. Across the room is a pantry, equal in its size for accommodation of dry goods. Over the sink and the length of counter extending on either side is a row of wood-framed windows that allow a lovely view of the pool, garden and wooded area beyond the immediate backyard of the estate. A table, large enough to fit eight people comfortably, sits just off center in the kitchen, though there are a couple extra chairs pushed out of the way and against the wall if they are needed.

X-Men Time

Monday, May 25th

Perched with only half of her butt on one of the chairs in the middle of the kitchen, a disheveled-looking Valerie sat in an uncharacteristic wide-legged manner while leaning forward onto the top of the table, holding a frozen bag of peas against the bottom half of her face. She stared wide-eyed and at nothing in particular, and with her free hand she idly toyed with the drinking straw sticking-out of a tall glass of orange juice. 'How are you feeling?' she eventually directed to Faro, pulling the peas away from her face to carefully form the words, or at least as well as her swollen, split bottom lip would allow her.

Faro was sporting her own swollen lip as well as a black eye. "Still trying to get the taste of ass out of my mouth," she said with a puffy smile. She reached a hand across the table to Val as her face adopted a more sombre visage. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. I can barely remember what happened after we put the film on."

Lifting the uninjured half of her mouth in a smile, Valerie set the bag of peas on the table and patted the top of Faro's hand with her icy-cold palm. 'Happens,' she said dismissively, giving a one-shouldered shrug. She said nothing else on the subject, as she didn't want to incriminate herself on her past drunken adventures, although it was possible that there were rumors floating around the school in regards to her Christmastime booze binge. 'We can just... take it easy the rest of the night, and stay away from swimming pools and spirits,' she added with a lame little laugh, and winced then gingerly touched her lip.

"That sounds good to me," Faro said with her own pained smile. She knew that she wouldn't be touching alcohol again for a while - she didn't think there'd be much of a hangover on its way, thanks to the Sprites she'd guzzled, but there was no denying it had majorly affected her behaviour.

With her half-cocked smile, Valerie nodded slightly and shifted a little in her seat. 'What are your plans for this week?' she suddenly inquired, her usually bright tone dampened a bit by the minor injury to her mouth, figuring that it wouldn't hurt to change the subject. 'I mean, like, barring any sudden missions, of course...' the dancer added with a tiny, airy laugh.

"I did half consider going to see my parents in New York but I might skip that," Faro said with a shrug before wincing at a sharp pain in her shoulder. "For now I'm thinking do a bit on some of my assignments and rest up. You really can throw a punch, y'know?"

'Well, you did get a little, you know... rowdy,'Valerie said, bowing her head slightly to look through her lashes at Faro, a half-smile lingering on her lips. 'So, like, The City, New York, right? It doesn't take too long to get down and back. You could totally just hop down for a day,' she said encouragingly after a beat. 'I'd visit my family all of the time, if they lived so close!'

Faro grinned back at her friend before shrugging at her suggestion. "I could, but don't want my mama fussing over me." Her eyes widened at a sudden thought. "Come with me! My family would welcome you with open arms. Not often they get to have a blonde to look over!"

'Ohhh, I wasn't fishing for an invitation!' Valerie said in a good-humored manner, smiling as best she could, her hands help up and out in front of her. 'I mean, I, like, wouldn't say no to a trip into the city. It'll be warmer than the last time I went, anyway.' Pausing she laughed a little bit, then asked, 'Whereabouts do they live? I've only really been to Manhattan for shows and stuff.'

Faro let out a loud, full-gutted laugh. "I didn't consider you were fishing for a second." Her laugh subsided to a giggly smile. "It's what Hollywood like to call The Bronx. Italian-Americans everywhere saying 'Fagettabou'dit'." She pursed her lips and made the stereotypical pinched hand gesture.

Producing something between a charming snort and a laugh at Faro's caricature,Valerie quickly covered her mouth but winced when she put pressure on her sore lip. 'Great, that's all I need to hear in my head when I meet your family.' She shook her head and gave a self-deprecating half-smile. 'It's a date, then. I can drive, if you'd like; just tell me when!' With that, the blonde punctuated her sentence with a sip of lemonade.

Again, Nadine found herself surprised by the presence of other people at a time that she would normally be in bed. Did everyone stay up late here? She’d seen Valerie around, but hadn’t talked too much to the older girl, but it took her a moment to realize that the other girl had been the one from the pool earlier. A slight heat rushed to the girl’s cheeks, still embarrassed for Faro. I probably shouldn’t bring that up. She chided herself as she stepped further into the room and gave the two a shy glance. “Hi..” After her tentative greeting, Nadine then wondered if she was interrupting and being rude, however it was too late to take it back. She made her way to the fridge, feeling like she was intruding despite this being a public space, and began absent mindedly scanning its contents, hoping to see something she could put together quick.

Faro was about to tell Valerie when would be the best day to travel down when Nadine popped in. "If you see any cokes in there," she said to the younger mutant's back, "you mind grabbing me one?" She didn't know the girl, but being a bit older she didn't feel any problems with starting up conversations with the younger kids at the Academy.

As she was waiting for a response from Faro, Valerie put the bag of frozen peas against her fat lip again, even though the package had since started to thaw. With a half wince, half smile, the blonde set the bag back on the table and greeted Nadine after the girl's timid acknowledgement. 'Whatcha up to tonight, Nadine?' Her eyes twinkled with the gentle, lopsided smile the dancer wore upon her face as she glanced over to Faro, then back to the youngest mutant in the room.

There was a few moments, when Faro spoke, in which Nadine had lifted her head to stare at the older girl, blinking with brief incomprehension before it dawned on her that she was indeed being spoken to. “Oh.. no, I mean- I don’t mind. I’ll check.” She ducked back down, embarrassed by the delay in her response and began searching the fridge for the requested item. After a moment she straightened, the can pinched between her middle finger and her thumb, and shut the fridge before bringing it over to Faro, all while giving it an almost suspicious look. Nadine wasn’t quite certain that she wouldn’t cause it to freeze and explode like she had in the past because, while it’d been awhile since she lost control like that, the earlier pool debacle had not helped her confidence. After gingerly setting it down in front of Faro with a smile (really just glad nothing happened to it on the way), she noticed Valerie’s lip and melting, make-shift ice pack. “Ouch, what happened?” The girl asked without thinking, her eyes going wide, then offered an apologetic look. “I just woke up; I guess I missed the party and everything.” She tried not to sound too sad about it, but couldn’t quite manage to keep the self-pitying note from her voice. The girl rebounded quickly though, adding cheerily: “What about you guys?”

At that time the door swung open. "Do you intend to follow me around for the entirety of the day?" Mark complained over his shoulder. The slight annoyance in his voice was only outweighed by the rumble in his stomach. "I was convinced you were a hallucination brought on by sun stroke at first."

Liz followed close behind Mark and chuckled at what she thought was a failed attempt at being annoyed. "Well, you are the only person that radiates enough energy for me to use in order to stay physical without using my own power. So yes, I'll probably follow you forever now. Besides, you are interesting and so far the only person not to freak out at my sudden appearances or slight ghostly see throughness." She stopped suddenly after noticing that the kitchen was full of several people. "Uhh, hi everyone." she said nervously.

Opening the can one-handed, Faro gave Nadine a quick wink in thanks before taking a good slurp of the soda. "Oh, uh, we kinda ended up doing our own thing," she said while giving Val a conspitorial smile. As Mark and Liz came in she raised her can over her head and let out a loud 'WHOOP!' "Looks like the party's coming to us!" She gave Mark a mock serious look. "What brings you to our den, man-thing? Come to take our innocence?"

Fortunately, Faro helped to circumvent the issue of explaining to Nadine exactly why she and Valerie looked a little like they had gotten into a fist fight when the feisty woman suddenly-- and rather bawdily-- changed the subject after Mark and Liz entered the kitchen. It did seem rather strange for the boy to go out of his way to come to the third floor kitchen, but the blonde wouldn't say word one about that, and instead swatted at Faro with her free hand. 'There's a whole summer to have pool parties,' she said placatingly, drawing her eyes from the older mutant to Nadine, and smiled brightly before glancing back in the newcomers' direction. 'Hiya!' she said simply by way of greeting to the ghostly girl.

Nadine, being of the easily unnerved type and consistently worried about offending anyone, was made more than a little uncomfortable by the company of the strange looking boy in the wheelchair and his ghostly tag-along. When she saw them she dropped her eyes, immediately wondering if they thought she’d be staring if she looked, then finding herself in the dilemma of also not wanting to appear rude by not saying hello. The girl lifted her head, gave the pair a not entirely convincing smile and said: “hi” in a voice that may not have been loud enough for them to hear. After this she promptly returned her attention back to Valerie and Faro, only for her cheeks and ears to turn a bright red at Faro’s teasing. “Oh, yeah, I guess.” She replied half-heartedly to Valerie, still trying to sort out what exactly Faro meant by what she said to Mark and unable to discern if it was mean or not. She was saved by the sudden vibration of her back pocket, only to discover that it was her brother calling her. The girl stiffened, bit her lip, and thought about answering before realizing it was already after her bed time- which meant she should be asleep and not answering the phone. Nervously and guiltily she set her phone on mute and slid it back into her pocket, feeling as if he’d somehow know even though she was on the whole other side of the country from him.

"Hmmph, just my luck, an ethereal leach." Mark was not conditioned to respond to such a large crowd, he had honestly just come up here to search the kitchen in peace. He resisted the urge to spin around and leave the room without a word to the three. "Salutations, there was nothing worthwhile in the second floor kitchen, ergo i came to examine what was hidden away up here. Also it appears i have acquired a specter like companion." He approached the fridge and leaned out to pull it open, retrieved a bag of baby carrots from the back. Well it is better than all the processed sugars and trash downstairs. "Entertaining show down by the poolside today." He added to Faro, not as a way to embarrass her, he simply sucked at normal human interactions.

"What do you mean 'leach'?" Asked Liz. "We talked about this earlier when I first explained how I'm able to stay here for much longer than usual thanks to your reactor core, and it didn't seem like you really cared much. So now its an issue?" She knew he didn't like conflict or drama, much less interacting with anyone but she just had to do something to make him squirm. She hadn't been able to tease or mess with someone in such a long time and he made it very easy. "So I guess if I'm such an issue, I'll just go back to my boring little realm and wait another month for my energy to return enough to materialize again on my own." She then bent down near is ear, just close enough for it to be uncomfortable to most people and whispered loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. "Just remember I'll always be near you, and watching you. No matter where you are." She smiled mischievously and quickly faded into nothing. 

Faro kept quiet until Liz had faded out of sight before giggling. "Well, mister, looks like you're gonna have a peeping tom watching you when you shower." She turned to Valerie and added, "That's an ability I wouldn't mind having," before flashing Mark a cheeky wink.

Observing Nadine for a moment, Valerie took a careful sip of her lemonade in the meanwhile. The blonde was unsure quite what to make of the quiet, younger, brown-haired student, but she smiled as best as she could, anyway, when the girl replied then got distracted by her telephone. 'I think I heard people talking about campfires by the lake, ' Val offered in what she hoped was a helpful, encouraging manner. Catching Faro's glance from the corner of her eye, looked sidelong at her friend and shook her head slightly, flicked her eyes in Mark's-- and Liz's former-- direction and shook her head again. 'People get arrested for that, you know,' she commented lightly, trying to look serious, although an amused smile played at the corner of her lips, as if she couldn't quite help it.

Having been preoccupied with her phone, Nadine missed most of the conversation going on around her, but did manage to catch Faro’s ”-a peeping tom watching you when you shower.” Her eyes snapped to the older girl, wide and startled. “What?” She said, not realizing that it had been a joke at first. Luckily for her, Valerie caught her attention, distracting her momentarily from the confusing conversation. “Oh- oh they were?” She replied, looking hopeful again. “Do you think there are people already out there?” There was lingering guilt that she might go hang out with the older kids after curfew, but it wasn’t enough to quell her eagerness to get to experience a real party. After a moment, Nadine paused, wondering if she needed to be invited or if anyone could go. Maybe if Valerie and Faro were going she could just tag along. Of course, it would be rude to ask. If they offered it would be much better. “Are you guys going to go?” She then shyly asked with the hope that Valerie would invite her along if they were.

Mark sighed. "Liz, come back, i was attempting sarcasm." He rolled his eyes from her moody disappearance. He attention turned back to Faro, "Doesnt seem out of character, though a skinny pale guy is much to look at i suppose." He tried some self depreciating humor. "But then again the twilight series made a substantial amount of money."

"Illegal schmillegal," Faro retorted to Valerie. She gave Mark an out-of-character warm smile and tilted her head to one side. "You're not so bad, especially in this madhouse." She then turned her attention to Nadine's question and considered it for a moment. Her eyes lingered on the fat lip she'd given Valerie, and her mind went to the pool fiasco earlier in the day. Still... "We might be persuaded. Just don't let me drink... too much." With that she let out a giggle.

Shaking her head slightly, Valerie rolled her eyes in a joking and exaggerated manner away from Faro upon her response, and toward Mark. She said nothing, however, until Faro replied to Nadine; Val's eyes widened slightly and she gave an airy, somewhat nervous laugh at the older mutant's reply. 'Yeah, I guess we could, like, maybe go down for a little bit,' the blonde said, although she didn't sound entirely convinced, in light of the tussle she'd gotten into not too long ago. Still, Valerie smiled with the good half of her mouth, a wincing little expression, and laughed lightly again. 'Maybe they're playing games or something,' she added, hoping to emphasize something else besides alcohol as entertainment.

Well, that sounded kind of like they would go if she was going, which made Nadine relax a little. The youngest of the girls offered Mark a half-hearted smile at his joke, even though she didn’t really get the reference and wasn’t comfortable with him making fun at himself. Really she just wasn’t sure how to respond to it, feeling bad for him because he was kind of sick and in a wheelchair, so she stayed quiet and hoped the ghost girl wasn’t going to show up again because she had a hard time knowing what to say or not to say around her. She felt guilty for feeling that way, because she knew it wasn’t nice of her to not want to be around people with differences just because they made her uncomfortable, but then again she wasn’t sure she could make herself not feel that way. Brushing all this aside, she bit her lip, then quietly responded: “I’d really like to go, if that’s okay.” and quickly followed it with, “Mark are you going to come too?” so he didn’t feel left out.

Outside, around a fire a night? That sounds so unappealing. But i suppose ill never get to see Dr. McCoys research if i dont gain some trust among these simpletons. Mark tried his best smile, it still came off awkward. "I could enjoy the night air i suppose." He righted his chair as he wondered if Liz was going to reappear.

"Awesome!" Faro said as she slid off the counter stool backwards and gave Val's sensitive behind a light spank. "You're so gonna have to help me pants that Cajun stud. If he's seen the ladies," she paused to give her chest a little shake, "the least he can do is show some sausage." She gave Nadine a wink. "You in?"

'The more, the merrier!' Valerie chirped when Mark replied to Nadine that he'd come along, too. She didn't realized what Faro was doing until it was too late, as her attention was focused on the other two students in the room, and she leapt to her feet and covered the sore spot on her backside with her hands to try and avoid being hit. With one eyebrow quirked, she cast Faro a brief look and repeated the words ...pants the Cajun? under her breath, then almost immediately groaned, 'Ohhhh, Farroooo! Nothing's going to be, like... gained by... and she's just a kid!' she added, even though she wasn't really sure how old Nadine actually was.

Such a crass girl, what pleasure is there in the view of genitalia? Mark swallowed his urge to stare dumbfoundedly at Faro. He faced his chair toward the door choosing to leave last if given the chance. "Well then, ill aim for some fresh air while you ladies are on operation pants dropper."

Nadine was right there with Mark. As soon as the girl realized that Faro was talking about Mr. Chastain, she flushed crimson and her eyes widened dramatically. "You mean- oh! No, we can't, I mean- I can't.." She stuttered, shaking her head back and forth so quickly that it almost undid her bun. Thank goodness that Valerie immediately replied in the negative, even if she referred to Nadine as a kid. I'm not a kid, I'm fifteen now... but compared to them she guessed she kind of was, and if it kept Faro from roping her into her plans to pants Rene- oh gosh what if she does and I see! At that thought she turned an even darker shade of red and it didn't help when Mark chipped in. "No! I'm not!"

Faro put on her best pout for the rest of them. "Spoil sports!" but followed it with a wink. Let them keep guessing as to what she might do. The truth was, she felt far too embarrassed to be anywhere near Rene tonight or even for the next few weeks. It was a miracle she was preparing to show her face at a social gathering in the same day. Who knew how many people down at the lake party had seen her exposed? And despite how revealing her clothing usually was, she'd never shown off that much of herself to even one person. Hiding these thoughts from the rest in the kitchen, she turned and headed out to X-Men Center 3rd.

'Wouldn't, like...' Valerie paused, trying to think of some alternative to continuing the little dispute, '... wouldn't, like, an evening dip in the lake be nice? Maybe some s'mores afterwards?' she finally proposed, but Faro was already heading out of the room. 'And just wrap-up by the fire?' she suggested with a hopeful smile to Nadine and Mark, since they were the only two left in the kitchen. 'See you down there?' the blonde inquired after taking her glass to the dishwasher, and although she didn't really wait for a response, she smiled at the other two students and slipped through the doorway after Faro.

With naught more than an eyeroll Mark joined his new companions as his chair rolled out to X-Men Center 3rd.

Nadine was just grateful that Faro had dropped it and was more than happy to follow the others out of the kitchen to the X-Men Center 3rd.

X-Men Center 3rd

Start X-Men * X-Men Characters * X-Men Rules * X-Men RP Archives

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2011-06-09 [Figgy]: Just jokin', dude. Juuuust jokin'.

2011-06-14 [Roma]: Kyle > all others. I'm seriously laughing. All 'out loud' n shit.

2011-06-14 [Ms. Steel]: tee hee, he has his moments!

2012-01-02 [La Luna]: Sorry my post is a bit....Lame.

2012-01-09 [Ms. Steel]: ha ha, Light got Nightcrawlered.

2012-01-09 [Figgy]: Indeed. I can embarrass my own characters every once in a while, right? :P

2012-01-09 [Ms. Steel]: It is, in fact, one of my favorite things to do.

2012-01-30 [Roma]: Ohho, I am caught up with both K and V. -bows-

2012-02-01 [Figgy]: O.o Make sure you link to the hallway before you link to Lucas' room, Valera.

2012-02-01 [AccountUnavaili able]: Woops, sure thing.


2012-03-09 [Figgy]: Post post! :D

2012-07-26 [Ms. Steel]: Is twitch still in the game?

2012-07-26 [Duredhel]: Last I checked, he was. He's been gone for a few days but not long enough to declare him MIA.

2012-07-27 [Ms. Steel]: Just wondering if I should send Kyle in to harass him, is all.

2012-07-30 [XxTsomexX]: :D I still adore kyle and his oddness lol

2012-07-30 [Ms. Steel]: :-D

2012-07-30 [Flisky]: Go Endelyn! Addy might not appreciate it yet, but she will. :D

2012-07-30 [XxTsomexX]: Endelyn may be considered naive most of the time, but when it comes to her friends she doesn't really care.

2012-07-31 [Flisky]: Addy and Kyle, what a pair. XD

2012-07-31 [Ms. Steel]: hehe. And they probably have more in common than they'd be willing to admit.

2012-07-31 [Flisky]: And I think Addy's having a severe bi-polar moment. Seriously.

2012-07-31 [XxTsomexX]: And poor Ende is caught in the middle of the two lol

2012-08-02 [Duredhel]: Things are proceeding ok here, right? :> not waiting on anyone?

2012-08-02 [Flisky]: Not too long. We're pretty good. :)

2012-08-02 [XxTsomexX]: Yup :)

2012-08-03 [Roma]: Kyle hates Vlad's soup. This amuses me.

2012-08-03 [Ms. Steel]: Naaaaw, this is Endelyn soup, TOTALLY different story!

2012-08-03 [Flisky]: Endelyn soup only gets thrown out because Addy can't take food. That is even more amusing.

2012-08-03 [XxTsomexX]: Endelyn is just kinda exhausted at this point, with her door being broken in, Addy returning, creature in the hall, Xavier going missing AND her soup getting critiques. Shes at the whatever level lol

2012-08-10 [Roma]: Ahh shit, I was gonna post with Akantha but realized Addy still needed to chime in.

2012-08-11 [Koho Ai]: Shit just got real up in here

2012-08-11 [XxTsomexX]: Yup and Endelyn is pretty much about to walk out with an "I quit" type retreat lol

2012-08-11 [Flisky]: Addy is not a happy blue mutant right now either. She's having serious trust issues.

2012-08-13 [Duredhel]: So.. who are you guys waiting on here? :O

2012-08-13 [Flisky]: Endelyn.

2012-08-13 [XxTsomexX]: Sorry. Gotta post here.

After the day she had been having, Endelyn was done with the dramatics. Win a shake of her head, she put the leftovers in the fridge. "If anyone needs me, I'll be in my dormitory. There is too much childishness going on in here." She said and with that, took her leave and headed into X-men hall east 3rd.

2012-08-13 [XxTsomexX]: Crap lol won should be with. Damn autocorrect.

2012-08-16 [Flisky]: And the room was strewn with trash and vomit. :P

2012-08-18 [Roma]: Will get to the rest - had to run. Be back tonight or tomorrow!

2012-08-19 [Ms. Steel]: okee dokee!

2012-08-19 [Ms. Steel]: uhhhhm, so I posted anyway. Wasn't sure if you'd done your edit or not. :-I

2012-08-20 [Roma]: I realize that comment was vague. I meant that I would post with K & V (the rest) later. Akantha was done for now!

2012-08-25 [twitchboy]: So much justin hate lol

2012-08-25 [Ms. Steel]: Well. Kyle is an asshole, and Akantha ain't so nice either it seems, sooooooo... there's that. :-)

2012-08-25 [Roma]: Yeah, nothing but RP drama here, dude. I'll get to posting tonight when I don't have to use a tablet.

2012-08-27 [Ms. Steel]: I have the distinct feeling that this is going to end poorly.

2012-08-27 [Roma]: heh >:3

2012-09-06 [XxTsomexX]: Er.... Endelyn has the knife. She had picked it up and put it with her own....

2012-09-06 [The Past]: Oh fucker! Didn't see that. SHALL EDIT!

2012-09-06 [Flisky]: Hey, Luna, did you read the Mihir post located in the X-Men Den?

2012-09-06 [La Luna]: Nope, Ill do that right now.

2012-09-07 [XxTsomexX]: Hes so sassy!!

2012-09-07 [ZeoOfFire]: Just so I know...What is "aces"?
Just an odd phrase is all

2012-09-07 [Duredhel]: Kinda like saying "we're doing great"

2012-09-07 [Figgy]: Because I'm selfish and wanting to post a lot tonight, don't wait on a Maggie post >_> She's not really interacting with them anyways.

Sorry, Luna XD

2012-09-07 [XxTsomexX]: Shade's sassyness makes me giggle. Just saying.

2012-09-07 [ZeoOfFire]: Edited due to Light being less of a bitch to Catherine then I previously read. Yeeeeah...

2012-09-07 [Figgy]: Sorry again, Luna >_>
Light and Shade are my main squeeze, man.
'Cept Dur.

2012-09-07 [La Luna]: xD It's cool. She just minded her own business. I'll post after school.

2012-09-25 [Figgy]: Jessica post?

2012-11-11 [Figgy]: Lire's natural instinct is to move towards heat, Mihir is really fucking warm.... I understand it's being RPed innocently here, but..... hint hint >_>

2012-11-11 [Flisky]: *pokes Figgs* How many girls are we trying to get Mihir to fall for and be crushed by?

2012-11-11 [Figgy]: But Lire actually makes sense D:
And I've known people to have multiple crushes XD (Doesn't mean people didn't look down on them though, a la Shade)

2012-11-11 [Flisky]: I've been in love with one person and dated another. Your point?

But Lire has a ton of work to do to get into Mihir's good graces. A fact that we've been discussing. Plus with his being shot down twice and nearly killed once, Mihir is a little gun shy around females. It's a whole thing.

2012-11-11 [Figgy]: Ohhh my god, I wasn't even meaning that. I meant, when people have so many crushes that they can't decide between one person, so it just makes them look like some sort of player, and they get everyone upset and get themselves into so much drama.

I'm not saying it can be done right away, was just kind of going "HEY LOOK POTENTIAL ROMANCE FOR A GOOD REASON HERE *points*" XD

2012-11-11 [Flisky]: Yer a dork. :D

But in all honesty, I'm not plotting Mihir to fall for another girl. He fell for Val while he was still with Mags, broke up with Maggie because he lost his temper, got ambushed with the Anthony/Val date thing, and is now trying not to put his head through the table. :P

2012-11-12 [Flisky]: With a grimace, Mihir managed to extinguish his hand and focus on Lire's face. "I simply do not understand why when confronted with the truth people choose to believe the lies. I have yet to outrightly lie to someone, yet I am not trusted because I have anger management issues." Looking down at his plate, Mihir picked up the last of the chicken, not remotely embarrassed at the amount he had eaten. "Never mind that the professor already set sessions in the danger room to teach me how to control it, people still equate anger with selfishness and untrustworthiness."

2012-11-13 [Lirerial]: Flisky? :)

2012-11-14 [Lirerial]: This is going to send Lire into a panic attack lol

2013-01-02 [Ms. Steel]: Halo's real good at making friends.

2013-01-02 [Ms. Steel]: It's JUST paralysis when Lire locks eyes, yes? And to what degree?

2013-01-02 [Lirerial]: yup :) and she shouldn't be able to move unless concentration breaks and no longer looking in each other's eyes.

2013-01-02 [Ms. Steel]: Okee dokee.

2013-01-09 [Ms. Steel]: No, Halo, you shouldn't be walking around with your hands in your pants.

2013-01-17 [Duredhel]: One down :> a bunch to go.

2013-01-22 [Duredhel]: Imma hold off a sec on posting here, Nox :O Figgs wanted to message you about something.

2013-01-25 [Figgy]: Caleb?

2013-01-25 [The Black Goat]: I will tryto post tonight I promise!

2013-01-26 [The Black Goat]: There ^^ hows that? I know its a bit later than I said I'd post but for Caleb I have to get into the right mind frame =P

2013-01-28 [Duredhel]: Posting right now :O sorry for the delay, busy weekend.

2013-01-28 [The Black Goat]: No big, I'm only up right now because our furnace has apperently decided to stop working again =P

2013-01-28 [Duredhel]: no prob, still intended to post.

2013-01-29 [Duredhel]: Ok, all posted out everywhere, so now, I wait.

2013-01-29 [The Black Goat]: I will post soon

2013-01-30 [The Black Goat]: The smile on Caleb's face remained unchanging, but inside he was grinning wider than a chesire cat. She was clearly impressed, ne doubt nervous, perhaps a bit overwhelmed that he would take her to some place so nice. Just the effect he had been hoping for. He watched as she looked away and pretended to be busying doing something else and liked the way she stammered and blushed. "Well you can take your time getting ready and I'll be downstairs when you're done, alright?" It would give him time to see what cars were available.

2013-01-30 [The Black Goat]: Well, that went well, Caleb thought to himself as he watched Daniela walk out of the kitchen. He was looking forward to seeing her all dressed up for him, hopefully sans the leggings. First though, he had to make sure they had a ride to get there in. While he would love to see her reaction to being on the back of his motocycle, the snow tended to make riding difficult. After pouring himself a glass of juise and downing it, Caleb exited the kitchen and moved into the x-men center 3rd.

2013-11-14 [Figgy]: Y'all be gettin' deep with your chars.

2013-11-14 [Lirerial]: Is that a bad thing?

2013-11-14 [Figgy]: Nah, just making a humorous comment.

2013-11-14 [Lirerial]: Ahh ok lol

2013-12-13 [Figgy]: Dude, Light is gonna fight back, but have Rage convince her so she can hit on Shade, if you wanna go through with that?

2013-12-13 [Lirerial]: Lol works for me!!

2013-12-13 [Figgy]: Umm, should I post with Light without waiting for Shade?

2013-12-13 [Lirerial]: You can ;)

2013-12-13 [Figgy]: Now I'm about to head to work soon though, so I'm just gonna wait XD

2013-12-14 [Duredhel]: Rage's turn, right?

2013-12-14 [Lirerial]: Oh was it? Sorry thought it was Shade.

2013-12-14 [Lirerial]: Does Rage know Shade since she was a former student?

2013-12-14 [Duredhel]: I don't think so, since she left three years ago and Anton (Before Shade) only came to the mansion 2 years ago.

2013-12-14 [Lirerial]: Nvm figured it out

2013-12-14 [Lirerial]: Oh nvm then. I checked the comments on her page and it said yes lol I'll change.

2013-12-15 [Figgy]: Question:

" The girl thought she caught this new girl giving Shade a strange look, but she didn't pay it much mind, and instead headed for the door."

"Rage was completely unashamed that Light seemed to have noticed her interest and she couldn't help but grin."

How can Rage read Light's mind?

There seems to be a lot of metagaming in general going on in your posts.... Know the difference between what you as a player know, and what your character knows.

2013-12-15 [Lirerial]: Didn't Light tell her "It's not for you" ?? If I am looking at a guy, his girlfriend looks at me and suddenly stops smiling and tells me that I'm going to automatically assume she noticed

2013-12-15 [Figgy]: Noo she was saying that she wasn't checking on Life as a favor to Rage since she thanked her.

2013-12-15 [Figgy]: Lire *
phone is a dick

2013-12-15 [The Black Goat]: ah I thought the same thing Lire did lol

2013-12-16 [Lirerial]: Yea... Sorry. My mistake.

2013-12-16 [Duredhel]: Regardless, we can chalk it up to Rage having a sort of freudian slip? Like when you're thinking of something in particular and you hear an unrelated comment and think it's about what you're thinking.

I think everyone needs to be mindful and careful not to metagame in any situation :>. Let's just keep posting so we can make DR stuff happen.

2013-12-17 [The Black Goat]: Nadine stepped into the kitchen, forgetting for a moment that she'd seen people slip inside here after the fight had broken up and looking a little surprised when she saw them. One was a good looking older guy with black hair and the other a very attractive woman who had what Nadine would have described as a Bohemian look, despite not knowing what the term actually meant. Regardless she blushed and made her way to a seat right away, hoping she hadn't interupted their conversation or anything. Her eagerness to get out of the way backfired though, because now that she was sitting she didn't really want to get up and go get herself some food; it would look awkward for one, and for two it meant she'd have to come closer to them. Not knowing what to do now the girl just pretended to examine her nails as she tapped them against the table, occasionally sneaking a shy glance to the two.

2013-12-20 [The Black Goat]: The younger girl straightened as Rage greeted her, looking a tad bashful as she replied with a soft: "Hi." and a little, awkward wave. Nadine had just been listening in on their conversation, hoping Kaia would come soon so she wouldn't feel so weird sitting by herself, and for some reason hadn't really been prepared to be acknowledged already. It was worse when the male student shot her a smirk along with his own version of a hello; she immediately looked down at the table again, blushing furiously, and took a few seconds too long just to make herself smile before she raised her face back up to offer it to him while nervously tucking a few stray hairs behind her ear. However, he seemed to have already moved in in conversation and the smile faded from her face. Situations like these were always easier to handle with her brother around, because unlike her, he was always so confident and self assured. she would bet that he never made a fool of himself in front of a cute girl in his life. Feeling a little frustrated with herself she suddenly made the decision to at the very least get up and make herself something to eat and started to rise, only to be suddenly plagued by doubts again. What if you had to pay for food or be on some kind of meal card like her old school? She didn't have any money or anything and it would be even worse if she started helping herself and it turned out she didn't have a way to pay for it. Nadine wanted to ask but her shyness was definately getting the best of her today, so after a bit more time debating she got up again and wandered over to where the food was, feeling self conscious all the way.

2013-12-31 [Duredhel]: Imma skip Rage for this round >,>

2013-12-31 [Lirerial]: I'll post later, go ahead and skip me. Sorry, I didn't realize it was my turn

2014-01-02 [GarnetLullabies]: -poke-

2014-01-02 [Lirerial]: Rage was completely oblivious to Shade's show of power, for a moment she seemed spaced out but she quickly came out of it with a jolt. She glanced around at the two other girls but didn't feel the need to talk. If anything her fatigue was catching up to her and she wanted to go to her room and drink the night away. She suddenly remembered Shade's question about her face and scowled, "I just came back in from a mission. We got our asses handed to us." She answered and ran her hand through her hair, come to think of it, she hadn't changed out of her uniform yet. Probably why she was feeling a bit gritty.

2014-01-04 [The Black Goat]: will try and post here tomorrow

the new cast and work are making it difficult

2014-01-06 [Duredhel]: Tis Garnet's turn now, right?

2014-01-07 [GarnetLullabies]: Yep I'll try to post tonight or tomorrow morning

2014-01-07 [GarnetLullabies]: I'm not sure if I should ask people if they care about their character's auras or if I should go with their powers and physical state's like I have been. I guess I'll let it be a standing offer that if anyone has a problem with how Kaia sees their char's aura I'll be happy to change anything I write about it.

2014-01-08 [The Black Goat]: do the auras have textures and temps too?

2014-01-08 [GarnetLullabies]: Wow haha let me try not to write a billion word essay about auras. I guess the way Kaia sees them and feels them, they would be whatever temperature the person is but with people like Mihir that obviously is hotter than normal, but with Nadine Kaia only felt cold when she touched Nadine and used her ability since Nadine herself isn't made of ice. With Nadine its more of an internal sense of her mutation rather than an actual temperature change. Textures... are more like how the aura moves or stays constant around a person, how far it spreads out from their body, how dense versus how diffused. They can be different colors depending on the person, their mood or physical health, and their mutation.

2014-01-09 [GarnetLullabies]: Does that make sense? :/

2014-01-09 [The Black Goat]: yeah. I just wondering if sasaiyas would be like an intense orange ir red and furry lol

2014-01-09 [GarnetLullabies]: Sasaiya, probably an unusually bright orange/red aura that was more densely colored further away from her body but it would just depend when and where Kaia saw her and what was going on.

2014-01-09 [The Black Goat]: neat =)

your post btw

2014-01-09 [GarnetLullabies]: Yep, I'm working on it now. <3

2014-01-09 [Duredhel]: Wondering what the hell Shade has now XD. Specially considering the split personality stuff in his past.

2014-01-09 [GarnetLullabies]: I'm torn about which way to go with his aura, but I'm enjoying working it out :D Hope you like what I come up with. He's really fun to work out! Probably scares the shit out of Kaia since black auras are rare and blank/faint auras happen when someone is seriously close to death.

2014-01-09 [The Black Goat]: maybe he should relapse lol

2014-01-09 [The Black Goat]: Id picture something like an oil slick

2014-01-09 [Figgy]: Inky. As are his shadows. But I mean, that's up to you and Dur, too.

2014-01-09 [Figgy]: Also I think Dur said he had no plans for Shade going back to Anton.

2014-01-09 [Duredhel]: Sooo... who are we waiting on here? :>
Should I post? :O

2014-01-09 [GarnetLullabies]: Waiting on me, I have like two sentences left in my post sorry

2014-01-09 [Duredhel]: No problemo, just wondering :>

2014-01-09 [GarnetLullabies]: How do you like the description of Shade's aura?

2014-01-09 [Duredhel]: Tis good :3
and interesting.

2014-01-09 [GarnetLullabies]: I love it :3 I really didn't get a solid feel for Kaia until I decided on the auras and then I couldn't wait to play her.

2014-01-09 [GarnetLullabies]: Should I wait for Nox or just post Kaias response tonight?

2014-01-09 [Figgy]: I think you can go ahead and post, if you want. When it's this few people, we don't worry too much about posting order, so long as no one gets left behind.

2014-01-17 [Duredhel]: Nadine? :O

2014-01-17 [The Black Goat]: yeah yeah. Ill post tonight after the asshole goes to bed

2014-01-24 [Duredhel]: Uhhm.. should I wait for Nadine post or just post myself?

2014-01-24 [The Black Goat]: whoops missed this page

will post today

2014-01-24 [Duredhel]: Please no limbo D:

2014-01-29 [GarnetLullabies]: I'll post here tomorrow in case anyone was waiting on me <3

2014-01-29 [Figgy]: I think it's Dur's turn but he just got back to Peru and is getting back into work and commissions and stuff.

2014-01-30 [GarnetLullabies]: Ah okay no rush :)

2014-02-06 [Figgy]: Shawn post?

2014-02-11 [Flisky]: Just wonder Shade nor Light have many friends. They stick together way too much and don't socialize. XP

2014-02-11 [Duredhel]: XD Mostly, yes. Though if your girlfriend feels ill and runs out of the room, I reckon most boyfriends would follow.

2014-02-11 [Flisky]: ...clearly you haven't met my ex...

2014-02-11 [Figgy]: They'll probably come back out. Light got into whatever that stuff was that Lire had on her weapons case, so she's involuntarily sick now (involuntarily meaning it wasn't my choice :P). Not to mention, Light is a major sociopath.
This is also kind of a ploy to stash one of my characters for now since I'm sick, broke, and busy with schoolwork.

Also, Dur is a good boyfriend and makes sure I'm never alone when I'm sick ^_^

2014-02-11 [GarnetLullabies]: Should Kaia offer to help Light or just leave it be?

2014-02-11 [Duredhel]: Up to you, Garnet :>. Kaia can talk to Shawn and Tory, or go look for her friend (Nadine, who left crying) or after Light. Whatever you decide.

2014-02-11 [Flisky]: I might suggest talking to Shawn as everyone kind of ran off as soon as he and Tory entered.

2014-02-11 [GarnetLullabies]: Mkay, thanks. Yeah, and I didn't want to mess up Figgy's plan to stash Light since she's so busy.

2014-02-12 [The Black Goat]: "Though if your girlfriend feels ill and runs out of the room, I reckon most boyfriends would follow."

Too bad the same couldn't be said for husbands :eyeroll:

2014-02-12 [Figgy]: You guys have/had some crappy men >_>

2014-02-12 [The Black Goat]: ohhhh yeah.

2014-02-12 [Flisky]: Mine now is sooooo much better. ^_^

2014-02-12 [Figgy]: Hooray for improvement!

2014-02-12 [GarnetLullabies]: Mine is great too, holds my hair when I get sick <3

2014-02-24 [Flisky]: Oh my God...I just realized she heals people and Addy is shot...*facepalm*

2014-02-24 [GarnetLullabies]: Haha yeah and Mihir is half-dead down in the infirmary but Kaia has no way of knowing people need her help unless she can see their aura, and the problem isn't clear until she makes physical contact. But we can figure something out if you want her to heal Addy.

2014-02-24 [Flisky]: Not heal her all the way. But...just a little. I'll bring her here. ^_^

2014-02-27 [Flisky]: Shawn or Kaia?

2014-02-27 [GarnetLullabies]: I'll post today now that Shawn is caught up

2014-02-27 [Flisky]: Yeah...don't expect this to be easy. :P

2014-02-27 [GarnetLullabies]: I figured it wouldn't be and that makes it even better. :D So exciting

2014-02-27 [Flisky]: I'm glad you aren't deterred. ^_^

2014-03-02 [Flisky]: Evo?

2014-03-03 [GarnetLullabies]: Nevermind, got it.

2014-03-03 [GarnetLullabies]: Let me know if theres anything I need to change :/

2014-03-06 [GarnetLullabies]: Hopefully someone gets a laugh out of that, I know I am. She really isn't acting out of character here, because she's shy personality wise but not about physical stuff at all. If someone asks her about her half nakedness she can explain it from her perspective better than I can in third person haha

2014-03-14 [GarnetLullabies]: Waiting on a GM post even though I don't totally need it, but I figured it be good to have the mess taken care of before she leaves the kitchen.

2014-05-16 [Figgy]: Ah, crud, forgot to explain the outcome of that mission XD

Pretty much, since Lexy is animalistic, she has become a vegan because she doesn't support the killing of animals for consumption. Unfortunately, with her fox nature, she needs to have some sort of meat intake. She is slightly werefox-ish in that every full moon, she is affected my the moon (we all know full moons affect everyone) and it brings out the beastly side in her she didn't know about. So, since she doesn't eat meat, she pretty much gets really angry without realizing and goes on hunts to satisfy her cravings XD

So yeah, they would've figured that out after the mission :P

2014-05-17 [The Past]: That's Ok. I assume that the Xmen are trying to help her from a distance (since she decided not to stay?) Maybe called some contacts to help her take some time out from work to help get a hang of it before returning to work?

2014-05-17 [Figgy]: XD she probably had to start a meat-included diet

2014-05-25 [The Black Goat]: yay!

2015-02-24 [The Black Goat]: hey would y'all mind if I brought Nadine into the kitchen?

2015-02-24 [Ms. Steel]: I'm cool with that!

2015-03-03 [Ms. Steel]: ARRIGHT what can we do with these three that would be fun?

2015-03-04 [The Black Goat]: Well Nadine is very amendable and will undoubtedly love to get a chance to hang out with the older girls, so whatever mischief they decide to get into she will follow lol

2015-03-04 [Ms. Steel]: Welp, this joint is jumping.

2015-03-04 [twitchboy]: the munchies call at nine o clock, even for asshole cyborgs

2015-03-05 [Ms. Steel]: CC nudge

2015-03-08 [twitchboy]: nadine?

2015-03-08 [The Black Goat]: I'll post sometime today/tomorrow

2015-03-14 [Ms. Steel]: Twitch... yoo-hoo...

2015-03-16 [Vhnori Valmos]: I'll get my post done tomorrow afternoon when I get home. Got a stupid apartment application thing I have to go to.

2015-03-24 [The Black Goat]: working on my posts, I promise, super busy at work

2015-03-27 [Ms. Steel]: I will post tonight!

2015-04-05 [Ms. Steel]: pokle?

2015-04-07 [The Black Goat]: I know I know, will try to type something up today, possibly tomorrow

2015-04-28 [Ms. Steel]: Mark?

2015-05-11 [Ms. Steel]: will post soon.

2015-05-16 [twitchboy]: On vaca will post Mon da y

2015-06-04 [The Black Goat]: yay!

2015-06-05 [Ms. Steel]: ...will post today, at some point.

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